Instructions: Obtaining Large Screen Compute software deliverables

  • To build the LSC23 software stack, please refer to the user guide;

  • For further details on the latest release and features, please refer to the release notes;

LSC Software Stack Overview

The LSC23 software consists of firmware, kernel and file system components that can run on the associated FVP.

Following is presented the high-level list of the software components:
  1. SCP firmware – responsible for system initialization, clock and power control;

  2. RSE (previously known as RSS) firmware – provides Hardware Root of Trust;

  3. AP firmware – Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A);

  4. Secure Partition Manager - Hafnium;

  5. Secure Partitions:

    • OP-TEE Trusted OS in Buildroot;

    • Trusted Services in Buildroot;

    • Trusty Trusted OS in Android;

  6. EDK2 UEFI FW and Grub – loads and verifies the fitImage for Debian boot, containing kernel and filesystem;

  7. Kernel – supports the following hardware features:

    • Message Handling Unit;

    • PAC/MTE/BTI features;

  8. Debian;

For more information on each of the stack components, please refer to the Large Screen Compute Platform Software Components section.

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